
Austro-Hungarian Hussar Officer WW I Vol. I (k.u.k. Husarenregiment „Graf Nádasdy“ Nr. 9)

V16004 - 1/16 scale resin mini bust

Austro-Hungarian Hussar Officer WW I Vol. I (k.u.k. Husarenregiment „Graf Nádasdy“ Nr. 9)

1/16 scale resin mini bust. Designed by Sándor Harsányi, the boxart painted by László György.

The price is 20 EUR


The Hussars:

Without doubt hussars are the most famous branch of Hungarian Army. K.u.K. common army had 16 regiments while The Royal Hungarian Honvéd had another 10 regiments. Hussar regiments were recruited from the Hungarian part of the Empire and Croatia.

The Figure:

Our figure represents an Oberleutnant (Főhadnagy) of k.u.k. Husarenregiment „Graf Nádasdy“ Nr. 9 who took part in the fierce battle of Limanowa-Lapanóv. Until 1915 hussars wore a colourful blue atilla and madder red trousers which were changed later to grey. Changing the facing colour of atilla, shako and buttons the figure can be painted to another regiment member. See our painting guide below for more information.

The Shako:

Each regiment had a facing colour of the shako and also a regimental number in the middle of the centre shield of the eagle. The rank can be identified by the braid on the upper part of the shako and the rank badges on the collar. Kommode shako were also painted to the regimental facing colour.

Painting guide:

You can download a printable PDF from here: Colour Guide
Figure Details

Scale: 1/16

Release Date: 2020

Number: V16004

Unpainted, unassambled resin model figure. Paint and glue not included.